Liz Roberta

What Your Astrology Birth Chart Says About You

I always wanted to have my natal birth chart read, but the only astrologer I knew from Instagram charged $500 to do it with a 6 month waitlist, so I put it off. I even pulled my own birth chart up on the internet and tried to interpret what each of the houses meant, but […]

I’m Spiritual, Not Stupid

Have you ever had someone think you were crazy? It’s a risk that all of us spiritual people run simply by being ourselves. Being OK being unusual and never wanting (or needing) to follow the crowd isn’t exactly a formula for being understood. But in my eyes, and I’m guessing for you reading this too: […]

How Your Sun, Moon and Rising Zodiac Sign Affect Your Personality

When our body enters the world, we’re left with an energetic imprint from the moment we were born. How the planets aligned around you when you took your first breath say a lot about how you will behave, what your personal challenges will be, and what you’ll be like in relationships. Often we think that […]

How Gratitude Affects The Human Heart & Rewires Your Brain

That got me right in the heart. My heart is full. I just felt in my heart that it wasn’t right… More than just words, there’s actual evidence that we feel things in our heart – particularly when it comes to gratitude! Today, I want to tell you about the fact that gratitude can literally […]

Why Aligned Marketing Is What You Need As A Coach Or Healer

I love marketing and it feels like second nature to me because it combines a few of my favourite things – psychology, design, business and intuition. What does this have to do with you, as a healer, coach or psychic? Absolutely everything! The world needs to see more of you and your gifts in order […]

Imposter Syndrome And Me – A Doubtful Love Affair

You know that feeling when you think you’re a fraud? Even when you know your stuff, even when you’ve practised, even when you’ve been given good feedback from everyone else – but for some reason, that nervous voice in your mind still tells you that you’re not good enough? Whether it’s a mean comment from […]

Are You An Earth Angel? Here’s 6 Signs That You Might Be…

They walk among us. The gentle souls who are here to make the world a better place… Your local source of hope, healing and guidance towards the light, and you may find that you have a chance encounter with one exactly when you need them the most. You might be using the term lightworker, healer […]

Scientists Have Found That Your Soul Goes Back To The Universe

I don’t know about you, but I don’t need someone else to tell me what to believe. I’ve always been more inclined to follow my heart and what I feel to be true rather than what someone else, or a group of people together, has decided is truth. But I do enjoy it when the […]

How Burning Sage Actually Kills Bacteria & Raises Your Energy

Sage sticks weren’t something that I’d come across until relatively recently in my journey, but wandering around the shops in Glastonbury they are everywhere. So, what exactly do they do – and are they more than just woo woo? Ummm, yes! The smoke that comes off the burning sage releases ‘negative ions’ which have been […]

10 Strange Signs That It’s Not Your Body, But Your Soul That Is Tired

When we go through prolonged periods of stress and strain, our soul can begin to feel weary and disconnected from the outward life that we’re living. If you’re not currently aligned with your purpose and your soul is feeling tired, you may start to notice physical symptoms rising up in your body, which can be […]