become a certified spiritual coach




A 3-month certification program that takes you beyond the physical to your full potential. Uncover the secrets of the Universe, master manifestation and learn how to heal intuitively using energy, so you can rise in your power and help others to do the same.

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A live group coaching experience with weekly calls, energy work and extensive training.

This program is accredited by the ACCPH awarding body, so you come away with your own results and also the ability to do soulful work full-time as an intuitive Spiritual Coach.

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after our
3 months

  • You’ll have an accredited coaching certification so you and your clients can be confident you’re a qualified expert
  • You’ll have an even deeper spiritual connection, where you have total trust in your own power, intuition and ability to manifest 
  • You’ll experience huge energetic shifts – past clients have had quantum leaps, family members reaching out after years of no contact, and more confidence speaking publicly to an audience 
  • You’ll have new connections that can become friends, clients or add to your network in the industry, as you’ll be closely connected to the rest of your group 
  • Random money windfalls, jaw-dropping synchronicities and experiencing magic more often than ever before are all things that have been reported by previous SCA grads

are you being called to spiritual coaching?


  • Anything spiritual sets your soul on fire and doing this work full-time sounds like a total dream
  • If you already have a spiritual business, you know you’re doing the right thing so want to deepen your knowledge and coaching skills
  • People always come to you for advice and you naturally end up being a mentor and guide for people, without even trying
  • You’re intuitive and have spiritual experiences often, noticing how things weave together with meaning and seeing signs like Angel numbers 
  • You value freedom and living on your own terms, doing purposeful work that lights you up
  • You see the potential in people and view life as full of opportunities 

Spiritual Coaching Academy is a life changing program that equips you with skills to enrich and improve your own life, as well as the lives of others.

step inside
step inside


Make a bigger impact with your natural gifts by doing work you love that makes a difference. 

“PwC reports the coaching industry is the second-fastest growing sector in the world. By 2022, the coaching industry market size was expected to reach a value of $20B. Experts predict this will grow with an average yearly growth rate of 6.7%. This trend is proven since in 2019, the coaching market size was estimated at $15B.” – Luisa Zhou

client love notes

"The signs of confirmation have been off the chart!

I was fortunate enough to go through the 1st round and I know that SCA was one of the factors that played into the life I'm living right now - starting to travel, visit all of the places I want to visit and creating the life of my dreams. Pinching myself! Everything is happening very fast indeed, but Universe has literally been moving mountains for everything to happen and fall into place seamlessly.

Jessica, Author & Spiral Practitioner

"Now, the fear has disappeared!

I don't feel any fear at all anymore when speaking about this stuff now. My witch wound is gone! And since doing the work in Week 2, I had a Zoom meeting with a world famous heart surgeon who writes papers for Harvard that found me on LinkedIn. Incredible! My psychic abilities have come forward as I've balanced all 4 of my bodies - the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - and I only realised this link since doing the work in SCA. I'm being hit with quantum leaps over & over! 

Tammi, Psychic Medium & Intuitive Coach

"When I was writing, I kept writing the word “beautiful” all the time.

It was a beautiful container. I feel as if I’ve had a beautiful introduction to spirituality, I’ve learned things I’ve never learned before. I feel like it’s a new “me” and I’m heading into a new life! It was a massive privilege to be in this container and it’s like something that I’ve never experienced before: the intimacy, the safety, the rawness, the progress, the genuine integrity… there was so much good that it’s really hard to put words to... “beautiful” doesn’t even seem to cover it, but it’s been very special and I’m really grateful. 

deirdre, shop owner

"The course has been completely transformative.

It’s caused me to look at how limited I’ve been in my beliefs of what I’m worthy of. I found that many of these beliefs came from childhood, and therefore, the inner child work for me was powerful. I was able to clear some deep rooted blocks, while replacing limiting beliefs with thoughts of expansion. I’ve been able to manifest some new connections within the spiritual community that will benefit me in my coaching business, and I have a clearer vision of direction as things unfold. I’ve gained so much more confidence and knowledge for my manifesting. I’ve noticed that some things and people around me no longer fit, as I level up even higher. I’ve also noticed I’m more aware of energy with people and objects than before. I’m more tuned into what feels right or not right. I’m excited for the next few weeks! 
Susan, Spiritual Coach

"Thank you, Liz Roberta.

I didn’t even realise how much I needed this course and it’s delivered results above and beyond my expectations. I will be recommending to all, as well as your book! You really do some amazing work in this world and I can’t wait to join you in my own way. Thank you ❤️‍🔥
Jasmine, Energy Healer

"I’ve realised I have potential, which is the biggest thing for me.

It's been such an uplifting spiritual experience which has brought me so much joy, happiness and hope. It has given me back the wonder and awe l didn't realise I was missing out on. I see now that the possibilities are endless and it is truly exciting! The Limiting Belief Week and inner child work undid me for a few days afterwards. I didn’t think it would have such significance! I’ve loved the course, the videos are great and I’ve found them really interesting. It seems like each week, it steps up a gear – I felt like I was buzzing from the inside out. I wanted to tell everyone about everything I learned, it was unbelievable! It’s been really amazing. It’s a fantastic program.

Fiona, Team Leader
you're here for a reason

Here’s what you get:

10 live group calls, including an opening + closing ceremony, Q&A coaching sessions, breathwork and energy healings

Extensive trainings to take you behind the scenes of energy, mindset and magic so you feel fully equipped with knowledge + expertise

Meditations to take you deep into your psyche and uncover the wisdom of your Akashic records, inner child and higher self, to name just a few

Access to a private group with other SCA students so you can get 24/7 support, share manifestation wins and get your questions answered

Workbooks for reflection so you get total clarity and can easily channel your own path forward

Lifetime access so you can join all future rounds if you want to, while receiving any additional updates at no extra cost - as well as your ACCPH accredited certificate at the end!

client love notes

"The greatest program I ever invested in.

Words can’t describe what SCA has done for me. I didn’t think I would be able to have this much growth in such a short time. Finally figuring out my true soul’s purpose and why I have been put on this Earth is so liberating. I’ve been manifesting lots of things but mainly growth in my new biz and for me to be able to leave my day job by the end of the year. I have faith in what I’m doing and I’m not so worried what other people think of me now, after working through all the weeks and the different meditations. I have more inner clarity and less confusion. I think SCA has been amazing and I haven’t done anything like this before. It was the first time in my life where I could truly be myself, which is so empowering! One action that I’m going to take is continuing to trust my intuition, because it’s led me to a lot of things and I’m really excited to see where my business takes me! It’s been a truly amazing experience and I’m really sad that it’s finished.

Kylie, Spiritual Coach & Reiki Master

"There has been so much growth and change, I could write a whole novel about it!

Internally I’m more calm, present, joyful, aware, inspired, motivated and excited. I go to bed with a smile on my face and wake up smiling excited for the day ahead. I am living my dream life! I am manifesting a successful coaching business that will bring the kind of wealth that will allow our family to buy our first home. With the things I’m learning in this course, I feel so empowered and know that my manifestations are on the way! I began SCA unsure of what direction to go in and unclear about my purpose. Now, I’m feeling complete clarity and know what I want to achieve! And we’re only half way through! Thank you Liz!

Sarah, Somatic Healing Coach

"I have shifted so much!

I am a different person to be honest, I have realised my self worth and potential way more than I used to! I have manifested goals! I am clear on where I am going and what I want, and I am ready to receive!!! May the rest of this journey be as amazing as it has been so far!!!!

Emma, Wellness & Life Coach

"I don't even know where to start on how tranforming the weeks have been.

I have had many shifts with understanding, and recognition of what has been happening with me. The way I feel; my outlook on life, friends, family; the outlook I have for myself and what's for my benefit. I have been healing parts of me/past me that I've needed to acknowledge and heal. I feel at peace and calm. I know how to balance my emotions better through breathing techniques and new knowledge. I'm able to reflect on life, and look at life through a clear lens. I can feel what's for my highest and best, and what isn't. My connection/communication/recognition of Spirit is easier. I can feel I'm growing as a medium. It's not easy putting into words how I'm feeling inside. The puzzle pieces are starting to fit together.

Hope, Teacher

"My biggest takeaway is that I have faith in me.

I won a product photoshoot for my business, was asked to appear on a podcast and I’ve been approached to attend an exclusive women’s networking event. Loving it! I’m feeling so many shifts and my life is feeling better and better. I think for a couple of years before, I knew what I wanted to do but I kept it all in and doubted myself massively. I kept shoving it to the side and finding excuses – but I really feel like I’ve worked through all that was holding me back. The first breathwork session shifted things massively for me and I didn’t expect it to at all. I spoke to everybody about it! It’s really helped me to get clarity on where I want to go moving forwards; I want to be a coach helping to empower women so they honour themselves and their voice.

Krista, Candle Shop Owner & Coach

12 weeks to transform

week 1

Initiation & Intention Setting

You’ll learn how to master goal setting and set intentions that materialise in your reality...

Welcome! What To Expect From SCA

Intentional Goal Setting

Intention Setting Meditation

Set Your Intentions Workbook

LIVE Group Initiation Ceremony

week 2

The Power Of Your Past

Say goodbye to the witch wound and past life trauma, as you start to listen to and love your inner child...

Inner Child Honesty

Karmic Witch Wounds

Healing For Freedom

Meet Your Inner Child Meditation

Open Your Akashic Records Meditation 

Diving Deep Inside Workbook

LIVE Energy Healing Session

week 3

The Tiger’s Transformation

From the pain, you will rise, as you dive into the depths of yourself to realise the resilience, grit and strength that you have inside...

Keep Moving Forward

EFT | Emotional Freedom Technique

Turning Pain To Strength

Acceptance Meditation 

Reframe Your Trauma Meditation 

Unleash Your Lessons Workbook 

LIVE Q&A Coaching Call

week 4

Limiting Belief Week

Limiting beliefs can’t stay from this point onwards. Your new life is for you to lead and it starts with mastering your mind...

The Magic Mind

Letting Go Of Limiting Beliefs

Developing Superpower Strength

Vulnerability Is Power Meditation 

Mastering Your Mindset Workbook 

LIVE Breathwork

week 5

Mastering Manifestation

We go way beyond the basics that we all know and love to get to the root of what manifestation really is: moving your own energy to shift your reality...

It's Not Hard

A New Way Of Being

It Is Yours

Magic Mastery Workbook 

LIVE Q&A Coaching Call 

week 6

Going Quantum

Peek behind the fabric of the Universe during this exciting week where the matrix that we live in will be explored. Time becomes changeable here...

Unlearn The Code

Change The Paradigm

Bring Time Forward

Meet Your Higher Self Meditation 

Time Machine Workbook 

LIVE Violet Flame Healing 

week 7

Integration Week

A breather. A chance to rest and/or catch up. An important time to settle in to your new frequency...


week 8

Activate Your Energy Body

Working with your energy body will give you full control over your frequency – if you know how to protect it and radically align your energy centres. We’ll sort that out here...

Energy Body Anatomy

Protecting Your Personal Field

Optimising Your Energy Flow

Cut Your Cords Meditation 

Heart Healing Meditation 

Aura Awakening Workbook 

LIVE Q&A Coaching Call 

week 9

Spiritual Principles 1

Your spiritual support team are coming in! This is where your guides and galactic team can contact you more easily as your intuition develops...

Your Spiritual Support Team

Connecting With Your Intuition

Following The Signs

Find Your Starseed Home Meditation 

You Are Not Alone Workbook 

LIVE Breathwork

week 10

Spiritual Principles 2

We live under the 12 Laws of the Universe, so we may as well learn to master them. You will also get a grip of the basic principles of astrology and human design...

12 Laws Of The Universe

Manifesting With Human Design

Human Design Resource Library

Elementary Astrology

Astrology Resource Library

LIVE Q&A Coaching Call 

week 11

Eternal Coaching Tools

These are the tools that you can take with you into eternity to use whenever you need them; whether that’s with clients, on yourself, or when certain situations arise...

Spiritual Coaching Tools

Spiritual Coaching Resource Library

Traditional Coaching Tools

Traditional Coaching Resource Library

Self Coaching

week 12

Closing The Container

It’s time to say goodbye SCA and hello transformation. We’re still here for you though – you get lifetime access to all future rounds of SCA!

The End Is Just The Beginning

Final Thoughts Workbook 

LIVE Closing Ceremony 

your spiritual coach

hi. I'm liz

Award winning Spiritual Coach & Business Mentor for entrepreneurs in the wellness world. I’m the author of ‘Living In Tune’ with Hay House and was named the “Emerging Voice” of 2020 by Kindred Spirit magazine. I’m qualified with a BSc and MA, as well as being a certified Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Meditation Teacher and Hypnotherapist.

Nothing lights my soul on fire more than helping people rise into their full potential by strengthening their spiritual connection. My natural soul gifts mean that authenticity + alignment are medicines of mine and I always help people to step deeper into heart leadership. I’m doing exactly what I’m here on Earth to do, and I want everyone else to feel that too.

What I've been upto:
  • Regularly interviewed on top podcasts and with mainstream UK celebrities 
  • Bestselling published book on intuition sold in stores across the world
  • Over 500k blog reads and 20k+ combined social media following
  • Helping dream clients go from full-time work to full-time in their spiritual business
  • Created a business structure that allows income to drop in most days while I sleep and travel around the world
  • Started my career on the investment banking grad scheme at JP Morgan before becoming a fashion merchandiser 
More satisfied clients

I think this programme has changed me entirely.

Last night, I put out a post offering remote reiki to family and friends as I wait to insure my business to start in November. I have 6 people booked in already. Also, I have a job interview next week. I am being very positive about it. I am worthy, I am deserving. They will want me. Thank you Liz and team. I also got an unexpected pay rise yesterday!

Hayley, Reiki Healer
and More satisfied clients

Being on this journey within this wonderful community is just fabulous!

The most important step has been surrendering to the flow of what will be. Not being as controlling over things. I just checked my bank this morning and got an unexpected refund of over £200! I have felt this shift recently that energy is unblocking, so this is the perfect sign to show it’s working and I am worthy. Super grateful!

Julie, Spiritual Coach
is sca for me?

This is perfect for you if...

  • You love getting and giving coaching – especially if it has a spiritual vibe! Perhaps you want to bring Spiritual Coaching into your business or build on your current skills and client toolkit.
  • You love learning, reflecting and growing. You have big, bold dreams and are driven to keep creating a life + business you love around your soul gifts.
  • You’d enjoy an expansive group container to learn, thrive and have breakthroughs in – talking about spirituality, healing and personal development sounds like a dream! 
a big soul yes!

Time to create your future with sca

If you want a coaching certification that goes beyond the physical and makes you more clear, magnetic and confident – while equipping you with a Spiritual Coach accreditation – this is the place to be. You’ll have group support alongside so many opportunities for expansion and growth. Grads often say they feel like a completely different person after SCA, and with the chance to be a practitioner of this work, you could have the life + business of your dreams by the end of it.

Frequently asked questions

1st February is your final day to join as we start on 2/2 with a group initiation ceremony in the first week. 

The closing ceremony will be on 23rd April and the last official day of the program is 26th April.

On the last official day of the program, if you have 100% completion, you’ll be able to get your certificate. You also have lifetime access so you can join all future rounds!

Yes! You get lifetime access to all future rounds of SCA, which means that you can join in the live calls and healing sessions again next time.

The live calls will take place on Zoom. The replays will be available in the members area immediately after if you can’t join one because of other commitments.

Replays are always uploaded to watch straight after after the live sessions and your accredited ACCPH certificate will be available when you have completed all teaching activities.

When previous grads haven’t been able to complete the program due to personal reasons, they’ve joined the next round and completed it a few months later with the following group.

The progression of SCA is planned intentionally, so it’s important that you go through all of the content in order. Making time to complete all of the activities will ensure that you receive the full results.

Liz Roberta Spiritual Coaching is an Organisational Member of the Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH) with Accredited Training Provider Status, registration no: 00002249, training centre: 000120

You’ll receive a certificate at the end to show that you’ve been certified by Spiritual Coaching Academy, an ACCPH Accredited Training Provider.

Specific results are never guaranteed for any program – everyone has a different path, opportunities and ways of taking action. Everyone is different. This is outlined fully in the Terms & Conditions.

When you’ve had amazing results that you want to share with others, there is a lucrative way for you to do this! Once you’ve completed the program, you’ll be emailed details of how to become an affiliate so that you can gain a massive 50% of the program price for each person you bring into Spiritual Coaching Academy.